Good chart showing the exploding costs of government schools

American schools go on utterly insane hiring spree since 1950. Kids shrug, continue to do poorly on testshas a good chart showing the how we have doubled the amount of money per pupil we spend on children while getting no increase in subject mastery. 

The caption explains:

A new study from the Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice finds that America’s public schools saw a 96 percent increase in students but increased administrators and other non-teaching staff a staggering 702 percent since 1950. Teaching staff, in comparison, increased 252 percent, Reason reports.

If non-teaching personnel had grown at the same rate as student population, American public schools would have an additional $24.3 billion annually. Scafidi’s report concluded that $24.3 billion is equivalent to an annual $7,500 raise per teacher nationwide or a $1,700 school voucher for each child in poverty .

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