Homeschooling and New Year's resolutions.

Here are my New Year's resolutions related to homeschooling:

1) Follow up daily with the kids on their "schoolwork."
I'm hoping for more than.....

Me: Did you finish your school work?
Kid2 (age 16): Yes
Kid3 (age 12): Yes
Me thinking to myself (Did I do anything with Kid4 (age 6.4) and Kid5 (age 4.9)
that could be construed as "schoolwork?"

2) Register Kid2 for the SAT and the ACT test early I don't have to pay for the late registration fee like I did for Kid1. 
 3) Keep up on the laundry. 
You may be wondering to yourself, "What does laundry have to do with Homeschooling?" 
If there are stacks of clean laundry on the bed and dirty laundry on the laundry room floor, 
I feel stressed and cranky.  When I feel stressed and cranky, the homeschooling doesn't go
as well.

4) Push Kid1 and Kid2 to get their driver's licenses that they can drive themselves and their siblings to the multitude of activities that I now 
drive them to. Then I will have more time to follow up with the kids on their school work, 
register kid2 for the ACT and SAT test in a timely manner, keep up on the laundry and 
do "school" with Kid4 and Kid5.