Brain Development 101: Movement Matters Most

I recently spoke at a parent education class for a local preschool.  Much of the research I talked about came from topics we have blogged about over the years.

Here's my attempt to organize the information into one post:

Our First Introduction to Brain Development:

Parents With Purpose 

What to do about brain damaged children 

Here's Donna's website: Parents With Purpose

Brain Development and Gender

Why Gender Matters in Education

Brain Development and Reading:

The effect of mental stimulation on brain development

Little reason to push children to read at an early age 

Early Academics vs Developmental Approach

Brain Development and Play

Study shows benefit of play time with mom
The Jamaican Study  (Note: this is a link to the original study)

Brain Development and TV

Educational DVDs slow infant learning

fatter and stupider

Study finds that TV in a bedroom makes children emotinally numb


Another ADHD study